1 | Conferences Evolution from 5G to 6G Evolution from 5G to 6G is highly related with sustainability and decarbonization efforts. This involves creation of energy-efficient mobile networks, a topic addressed within the 6Green project. | | |
2 | Conferences Keynote at CITS 2023 Keynote speaker at the "2023 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems", discussing 6Green scope and goals. | Chiara Lombardo (CNIT) 10 July 2023 Genoa, Italy | |
3 | Meetings Showcase at SNS Lunchtime Webinar 2 Showcase of 6Green scope, technologies and innovations. | Chiara Lombardo (CNIT) 20 February 2023 Online | |
4 | Conferences Keynote at IEEE GreenNet 2023 Keynote speaker at the "2nd Workshop on Green and Sustainable Networking", discussing 6Green scope and goals. | Chiara Lombardo (CNIT) 28 May 2023 Rome, Italy | |
5 | Conferences Poster session at ETSI conference Poster session at "ETSI Research Conference: Maximizing the Impact of European 6G Research through Standardization", presenting 6Green project. | Raffaele Bolla (CNIT) 6-8 February 2023 Sophia Antipolis, France | |
6 | Other Showcase at the SIRESP TechDays Showcase of 6Green scope and goals and comparison with industry latest advancements at the "Innovation Workshop". | ININ 2 June 2023 Amadora, Portugal | |
7 | Conferences Presentation at the 6G series workshop by Hexa-X-II Presentation of an observability, monitoring and analytics framework for the control and management of 6G multi-tenant environments. | Roberto Bruschi (CNIT) 14 February 2024 Online | |
8 | Conferences Organization of REFRESH 2023 workshop Issues, challenges and solutions for sustainability in 6G and how 6Green aims to tackle these presented at the "4th International Workshop on Real-life modeling in 5G/6G networks and beyond". | Symeon Papavassiliou (ICCS) 19 June 2023 Paphos, Cypris | |
9 | Conferences Vitel 2024, 39th Workshop on Telecommunications Presentation “Sustainable Mobile System: Data for Balancing Network Performance and Energy Consumption” | J. Sterle (ININ) 16-17 May 2024 Bled, Slovenia | |
10 | Education and training events SpringSchool Program ORO presented 6Green project to the students involved in the Spring School
program. Event was dedicated to students at the bachelor's, master's and doctorate levels, academic staff. | C. Brezeanu (ORO), R. Mihai, (ORO) April 2024 Iasi, Romania | |
11 | Conferences DAS (Development and Application Systems) Conference ORO presented 6Green project together with other 6G projects to the DAS
Conference and Hard&Soft competition. Audience: students and academia | R. Mihai (ORO) May 2024 Suceava, Romania | |
12 | Clustering activities Towards Sustainable 6G: A Workshop on Integrating Environmental Considerations in Next-Generation This workshop will convene EU-funded collaborative projects dedicated to developing and demonstrating energy-efficient network architectures, renewable energy integration, life cycle assessments, etc. | Chiara Lombardo (CNIT) 25/09/2024 Luxembourg City | |
13 | Collaboration with EU funded projects Operational Sustainability of 6G Systems The panel addresses requirements, how to navigate further and discuss on the direction which 6G is moving with respect to the ambition of creating a next generation with clear value for business, s | C. Lombardo (CNIT) 26/11/2024 Belgrade, Serbia | |
14 | Conferences IEEE Future Networks, Symposium on Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) - Emergency and Crisis Management Presentation on "Critical Operation in Disaster Scenarios," addressing 6Green approach towards achieving sustainability and energy efficiency related goals. | J. Sterle (ININ) 16/10/2024 Dubai, UAE | |
15 | Conferences Slovenian approach towards Greening Defence Presentation of "Portable tactical 5G mobile network for critical infrastructure" and Panel discussion on Transformation of Military towards greening defence | L. Koršič (ININ) 16-17/10/2024 Maribor, Slovenia | |
16 | Conferences Keynote at INW2025 "Edge-to-cloud private 5G networks: an industrial perspective of use cases and innovations" Keynote speaker at the "21st Italian Networking Workshop". Research projects advertised and presented, included 6Green. | Daniele Ronzani (HPE) 22/01/2025 Moena, Italy | |
17 | Conferences Sixtainability: Paving the Way for a Sustainable 6G This workshop is proposed by SNS BeGREEN, SNS 6Green, and is co organized by SNS VERGE, SNS Exigence, HE Zero-SWARM, SNS Sustainability Task Force, and 6G-IA Vision Working Group. | Chiara Lombardo (CNIT) Jun. 2024 | |
18 | Conferences Energy Efficiency in Wireless Communications Networks, 5G to 6G Challenges and Opportunities Major energy consumers in wireless network and their evolution from 5G to 6G | C. Lombardo (CNIT) Apr. 2024 | |